French Cleat Bench Dog Pound

By Wayne20
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Sun Aug 06 2023

I've got an assortment of bench dogs and similar accessories. The Dog Pound keeps the doggies organized. I can store them on the wall via a french cleat and easily remove a single dog or move the whole collection to the workbench for use.

30 min


Storage & Organization

Files Included (1)

  • Bench Dog Pound.svg

    37 kB


Hole Board: 3/4 inch plywood 8.5 inch by 10 inch

Wedge: 3/4 inch by 4 inch (approx) by 8.5 inch

French Cleat 8.5 inch wide




Shaper Origin and appropriate bit(s). I used a straight bit (8mm? -- I don't remember) for the dog holes then a 45 degree bit to add a little chamfer to the holes.


The SVG is for the hole board. The dog holes are 3/4 inch. You might test your dogs to see if a little negative offset is needed when cutting. After cutting the through holes, I used a 45 degree bit to make a shallow on-line cut to add a chamfer to each hole. The key ingredient is the wedge. It holds the hole board at a convenient angle both while on the cleat wall and while on the workbench. I made mine by using double sided tape to temporarily attach a stick to an edge of the bottom side of the stock. I then ran it through the planer a few times with the stick side down. I don't think the exact angle is critical (and I didn't measure it), but it ought to be pretty shallow. For assembly, the wedge goes between the hole board and the cleat (see photo). I placed the cleat and wedge so the low end of the hole board rests on the workbench, which keeps the assembly stable when used on the workbench.

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