Zero-clearance Fence for Incra 5000

By Wayne20
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Tue Mar 12 2024

A zero-clearance auxilliary fence for the Incra 5000 table saw sled

20 min


Jigs & Fixtures

Files Included (1)

  • Aux Fence Incra 5000.svg

    112 kB


3/4 plywood 3.5 inches by 18 inches (longer or shorter is OK too)

Mounting bolts 1/4-20 by 3/4 inch hex head (need two)

Nuts to fit the mounting bolts


Shaper Origin and most any bit (1/4 inch or 5mm are two examples that work fine).

7/16 nut driver or socket (to mount/unmount the fence)


This auxillary fence allows zero-clearance cuts for the Incra sled. I made two (one for 90 degree cuts and one for 45 degree cuts) but the file is the same for both. Make the first cut after installing the fence at the desired angle and you can reuse the fence for future cuts at that angle. On my saw, the maximum blade height above the sled is 2 1/2 inches. The hump on the blade end of the fence is 3 1/2 inches, so the full blade height can be used without cutting off the end of the fence. There are two through holes for the quarter-inch diameter mounting bolts. The front side of the fence has 5/8th countersinks for the mounting nuts. The nuts are sized for a 7/16 inch nut driver or socket, and when you cut the countersinks you want to check to see if your nut driver or socket can get into the countersinks. If too tight, add some negative offset. I guess its obvious, but mount the fence by sliding the hex head screws into the t slot (see photo) then tighten with your nut driver or socket, The Incra Flip Stop can be repositioned to use with or without the aux fence. If you calibrate the Flip Stop using its micro adjuster it ought to retain the calibration when changing back and forth. One of the photos shows the flip stop in the forward position for use with the aux fence.

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