MFT - 96mm/20mm Grid Template

By Dominik6
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Tue Jan 12 2021

MFT-top router template for a 30mm guide bushing. Holes are spaced by 96mm and 70mm from the edges.

1 hr


Jigs & Fixtures

Files Included (1)

  • MFT Lochschablone.svg

    5 kB


9mm screen printing plate



6mm mill


Start with the holes for the guide bushing. In the template, they have a diameter of 30mm, which you can adjust via the offset. The holes for the pins are 10mm in the template. I bought them from Amazon ( Measure both the shaft and the head of the pins and adjust the offset accordingly so that the pins fit well. To re-place the template, make a couple of plugs out of plywood (On Tool Circle, outside cut), which will then hold the template in place in the drilled holes. The diameter of the MFT holes depends only on the cutter that you will use later in the router.

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