32mm hole-line-template - for 17mm template guide

By Dominik6
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Mon Dec 28 2020

This is a router template to quickly place a 32mm grid system into your furniture. It is designed for a 17mm template guide.

1 hr 30 min


Jigs & Fixtures

Files Included (2)

  • 32er LR Schablone.ai

    272 kB
  • 32er LR Schablone.svg

    32 kB


9mm Plywood ( 295mm x 970mm)



Engraving Bit

6mm Bit

5mm bolts

6mm bolts


The template is designed to place the 32mm grid system with different spacing from the front edge of your workpiece. Meassure your bolts and adjust the diameter of your guide-holes to get a nice friction fit. You can get the bolts cheap from amazon ( CCLIFE 60 tlg Steckbolzen Sicherungsbolzen Splintbolzen Sortiment Splinte Bolzen Set https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0776W7YRG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_AWG6FbFYEP9NB?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 ). The template can be used horizontal or vertical, there are guide holes for both directions. The "number I" holes are for a 37mm spacing from the front edge and the "number II" holes for 32mm. I added the AI-File, so that you can modify your template for different guides and length. Feel free to ask any questions about it.

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