Workstation Large Worktop with Cam Clamps

By Ian20
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Fri Dec 04 2020

Here is a large new worktop for the workstation with 12mm holes for plywood cam clamps. This negates the use of double sided tape and helps when doing a few of the same pattern.

1 hr


Shaper Workstation

Files Included (5)

  • Cam Clamps Sketch.svg

    2 kB
  • Cam Clamps Solid.svg

    2 kB
  • Workstation Shelf Peg Holes Large Bodies.svg

    21 kB
  • Workstation Shelf Peg Holes Large Faces.svg

    20 kB
  • Workstation Shelf Peg Holes Large Sketch.svg

    20 kB


Finished Size is 350mm x 500mm (13.78"x19.68")

Use 18mm Plywood for strength but anything of choice can be used.

Cam Clamps are 100mm x 60mm (3.93"x2.36")

12mm Steel Rod or 12mm wooden dowels


Shaper Origin




Straight forward download and cut. I have included different versions of the files exported from fusion 360 as I am not very good and the first attempt I had to change all to inside cut individually. When Cutting the holes for the pins cut them to a depth of 12mm and check which ever dowel fits the first hole. I used a -0.5mm offset to get my steel to fit neat. Everyone will be different I used the same offset with the Cam Clamps there is a large and a small clamp as depending where the material sits different size works better. So Cut 2 of each or more if required Also to take up gaps and protect the material you can use a small packer. The 4 holes for the screws have to be cut right through and the countersink is cut to a depth of 14mm you may be able to adjust this slightly to make the board stronger so maybe able to get away with a 12 of 13mm depth for strength Any questions or issues please highlight and feedback always welcome.

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