Tool Tray with Shaper Logo

BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Fri Sep 25 2020

A small storage system for your Shaper tools inlaid with the Shaper logo.

1 hr 30 min


Storage & Organization

Files Included (3)

  • Inlay.svg

    3 kB
  • Inset.svg

    2 kB
  • Tool Tray.svg

    10 kB


3/4" Hardwood - 7 1/4" x 12"

1/4" Hardwood - 3 1/2" x 4 1/2"

Spoil board

Double sided tape

Wood glue

Oil Finish


1/4” Up-Cut Bit

1/4" Engraving Bit

1/8" Up-Cut Bit

1/4" Roundover Bit (Amana Tool 56123)


Cutting the Inset for the Inlay 1. Attach the 1/4" work piece to the spoil board with double sided tape. Set up a tape board above the piece and scan the workspace. 2. Import the Inset file. 3. Cut out using the 1/8" bit with 0 offset. Cutting the Tool Tray and Inlay 1. Attach the 3/4" wood piece to the spoil board with double sided tape. Set up a tape board above the piece and scan the workspace. 2. Set a grid on the work piece. 3. Import the Tool Tray file and anchor to the bottom left of your work piece. 4. Pocket and finish cut with, 1/4" Up-Cut bit, sections 1, 2, 4, and 5 to 1/4" depth. 5. Helix cut the three holes in section 3 with 1/4" Up-Cut bit to a 1/2" depth. 6. Pocket section 6 with 1/4" Up-Cut bit to a depth of .2". 7. Import Inlay file and anchor to the bottom left of your work piece. 8. Pocket the two sections of the logo inlay with 1/8" Up-Cut bit to a .4" depth. 9. Finish the inside edge and slowly adjust the offset until the inset pieces fit. 10. Glue in Inset pieces cut in the first section and let dry. 11. Pocket and finish cut section 6 with 1/4" Up-Cut bit to 1/4" depth. 12. Cut out the outside of the tool tray with 1/4" Up-Cut bit. 13. Chamfer the edge of sections 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 with the 1/4" Engraving bit. (Inside Cut / Offset -.08" / Depth 1/8") 14. Round over the outside of the tool tray with 1/4" Roundover bit. (Outside Cut / Offset -.105" / Depth .245") 15. Sand and apply finish.

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