I wanted a bigger cutting board with a juice groove for larger Brisket Cuts. Of course it needed an inlay because we have shapers...
Brisket Board.afdesign
Hardwood 24 x 15.25 (I used White oak)
Hardwood for inlay (I used Walnut)
1/2 Round Nose Bit
1/8 spiral upcut
Glue up wood panel, I used 3/4 thickness Cut panel to 24" x 15.25" Place full design using Grid Cut out the juice groove with 1/2 round nose bit Then cut flame inlay with 1/8 uncut spiral bit Cut flame logo in hardwood, I used .002 offset to make it fit Round all corners with roundover bit in a trim router Finished with food safe oil and wax The Flame Logo was downloaded some time ago from Google. I believe the noun project. I would give credit to designer if I could find it again.
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