Toy pump shot gun for the 9 year old in us.
1.5" wood
15/16" broomstick handle or 1" dowel
- Cut pieces out of 1.5" thick wood. I used 1.5" old butcher block counter top. - Cut 3 pump handle pieces, glue together and sand. - Adjust circle sizes to the width of the broom handle or dowel you use. - Use handle end template to cut two circles 0.75 in end of gun stock. - Round over and sand edges of gun stock to desired fit. - Sand pump handle heavily until it slides well. - Glue rods into gun stock and pump-block. Top rod is about 14" long. Note - I had to redo the stock handle to a design flaw that left to little room for the poles. This explains the two joined pieces of wood in the stock.
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