Quick 30 minute project to build a wooden saber style sword.
1/2" wood (I used plywood)
3/4" hardwood for the blade (eg. Poplar)
Cut out the guard handle and guard front pieces in 1/2" plywood (or hardwood). Using 1/8" bit for the inner square and tenon areas to get reducing rounding. For the blade, cut from a piece of 3/4" wood a strip 1.25" inches wide for the height. Then use the blade pattern to cut the curve and fuller groove near the top of the blade. For the fuller, use the 1/8" bit and cut groove to 0.125" inches. Since I was building for my 7 year old son, I cut the piece use for the blade and handle to be about 23". For a more proportionate / bigger sword I'd recommend 30". You could also design a blade with a slight curve if you wanted replicate more of a true saber look. Using the design tool on the Shaper create a rectangle 0.75" by 0.5" at the back of the sword. Place it 0.5" from the back and 0.125" from the bottom to offset it perfectly in the middle of the 0.75" handle. Pocket out a hole 0.75". Dry fit the guard handle to the guard front and blade. Sand tenons slightly if needed to fit. Sand the rest of the pieces to give the handle a nice feel and give the blade a bit of an edge if you desire. Make sure to sand down the tip which is a bit severe. Glue together when done. Note: the piece should fit together well enough that glue isn't needed. I've included a different pattern for the guard front piece if you would prefer to use a 1.5" dowel for the handle and blade easily available at any big box hardwood store. Have fun! Let me know in the forum if you encounter any problems.
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