Heart shaped box for jewelry/keepsakes just in time for Valentine's day.
Storage & Organization
Hardwood 3/4 to 1 inch (I like Cherry)
1/4" and 1/2" bit
This is a fun advanced beginner project to learn some different cutting techniques with your Shaper. Adjust using your shaper the size you want. Pocket out the inner heart. I recommend pocketing down to leave 0.15-0.2" depth on the bottom. Outer cut the heart. For the lid, pocket the entire size of the heart 0.3-0.4" (assuming wood is 0.8" deep) down to the desired thickness of the lid. Inner cut using a 1/4 bit down an additional 0.2" to create the outline of the heart. Try doing an inner cut and keep using negative offsets on the inner cut to get the fit on the lid you want. Cut out the heart lid with an outside cut. Note: there is quite a bit of pocketing involved so having a 1/2" bit is really helpful.
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