Jack-o'-lamp Created by mberg — I call him the Jack-o'-lamp.
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By mberg|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated October 23rd, 2020

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I call him the Jack-o'-lamp.

1 hr



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1/2 ply 1/2 wooden dowel Orange spray paint Lamp Base Lightbulb (Colored)
- Pocket the holes for the dowels and the slot for the base 1/4 inch - Cut out each side. Make sure to do both side A and B as they are mirrored. - Cut 4 dowels at 7" - Adapt the base as necessary to fit your lamp - Spray paint all pieces - Assemble by connecting dowels and base with a rubber mallet - I chose not to glue (didn't need to) because I wanted to be able to dissemble for storage For a cooler effect use a color or orange lightbulb Credits: Inspired by [Halloween Kürbis](https://hub.shapertools.com/creators/5e84c70ec8f2b1000fb46009/shares/5f8c5bbd8b96e9001059a370)