I'm sure that most of you that bought a work station have discovered ,as I did that the stock table is too small for a lot of projects and double sided tape doesn't always hold. This my solution. Plus it gives absolute repeatability to your work space. Mine is 30.5 x 10.75 in. which give you the ability to mount a piece 26 x 8 in. , which about the limit for the tape surface of work station.
Shaper Workstation
shaper top.svg
24x36x1 inch European birch plywood
5 foot of t-track
4 short t-track stops
Origin, 1/4" and 1/8" bits
Cut plywood to size and mount centered on work station using the table double stick tape and the extensions for the work station support bar. Cut the screws holes first with 1/8" bit set at a depth of 5/8" and the thru at 1". then mount the piece to the table bracket and raise flush to the work station surface. and complete the t-slots to a depth equal to the height of you T-slot.
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