We recently bought an Ooni Koda 12 gas-fired pizza oven as a change to the usual BBQs. Great for entertaining friends. The 'platters' in this project serve two purposes. First, they provide a template to make good size pizzas for the oven and allow guests to assemble their own pizzas with their choice of toppings. Second, when baked the pizzas can be served on the platters.
Bamboo board 5, 7 or 12mm all suitable. An A2 sheet (420 x 594mm) will be enough for two platters with a 266mm (10.5") diameter. I sourced from Bamboo Supplies in the UK and can recommend them to Shaper owners in the UK and Europe (www.ukbamboo.com). You will need to apply a food safe finish. For this I recommend Clark's Cutting Board Oil and Cutting Board Wax.
Shaper, Affinity Designer, Random Orbit sander and sanding block for the edges. If you choose to use 12mm board then a router is good for adding a roundover.
I used the Shaper engraving bit to mark out the segments and add the text and then the 6mm cutter to cut out the circle. Your choice of cutting strategy will depend on the thickness of board you choose. On your finishing cut make sure you are properly through the bamboo and into the spoil board because bamboo 'fuzz' is very sharp and any splinters unpleasant. Of course you can add your choice of text in your preferred font and vary the diameter of platters. I hope you find this a simple but practical project.
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