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Ente Emma

By Markus14|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated July 28th, 2021

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wooden toy "duck Emma"



Files included (2)
39 kB
Ente Emma_plan_v1.pdf
230 kB

18 mm bankirai and 18mm Spruce (fichte) wood 6mm metric thread with brass nuts 1,5mm round Bankirai
shaper origin 6mm milling cutter 6,5mm drill m6 metric thread
Body Emma : cut out two pieces of 18mm Spruce wood with the emma_body_contour (emma_50proz_fusion_shaper_export.svg) (the x dimension of the body should be 170 mm , the y dimension 105mm , please adjust size if neccesary) (see also file <Ente_Emma_plan_v1.pdf) glue the two pieces together to the duck body drill two 6,5mm holes for the wheels (roughly 10,5mm above the bottom line of the body) in the duck body cutout 2 Bankirai front wheels diameter 34 mm and drill a 6,5mm hole in the center for the axis (you can use the online cad of the origin) cutout 2 Bankirai back wheels diameter 45 mm and drill a 6,5mm hole 10mm off center for the axis (you can use the online cad of the origin) lenghten 2 of 6mm metric threads for the wheel axis cutout 2 eyes from the Bankirai 1,5 mm thick woodplate diameter 12mm Glue the eyes to the body