Imitate hand carved letterings with Origin

By Resli
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Tue Jul 14 2020

Hand carved letterings are state of the art. Some woods cut really nice and buttery, some are a pain *youknowwhere. The chance for failure and frustration is quite big and it needs a lot of time and practice. It is usually too expensive for the customers and some like to choose the way cheaper laser-engraving (which is a bit poor in the comparsion). Here is a guide to make an impressive imitation of hand carved letterings with origin.

1 hr



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Well prepared wood, pre-oiled is no mistake.


Shaper Origin

60 degree router bit


Wisely choose the font and size for your lettering. No thin serifs and not too many sharp corners are senseful. The thinnest lines should be not under 0.5 mm. In the example i used the font „apple chancery“ sized 65 to 96 points. I use this font quite often for regular hand-carvings. just take care with the spaces between the letters, a bit fine tuning is never wrong. configure it as a inside cut. Prepare your Shaper Origin really well. Set vour cutter diameter to 0.4 mm and leave this for the complete process. the Z-Touch tends to be imprecise when you do it on the wood surface with the 60 degree router bit. I lay a 0.25 mm thick stainless steel ruler under Origin and execute the Z-Touch. Then i make some testcuts on some scrapwood to be sure that my zero cutting depth is really zero. Hand carved letterings vary in cutting depth. The thinnest lines are in the example 1 mm deep, the thickest lines are 2.5 mm deep. About the same as i carve it by hand. This needs seven passes to be finished. Start with the following settings: depth 1.0 mm offset 0.0 mm auto feed 100 Cut everything with the locked auto feed Lightly sand the surface of the wood after the first cut to take off the wood-fibres at the cutting edges. for the second cut you change to: depth 1.2 mm offset 0.1 mm auto feed 400 (this stays for the rest - if you can handle it. otherwise reduce as much as needed to feel comfortable) third cut: depth 1.5 mm offset 0.3 mm fourth cut: depth 1.8 mm offset 0.5 mm fifth cut: depth 2.1 mm offset 0.7 mm sixth cut: depth 2.3 mm offset 0.9 mm In the smaller letters are just some tiny spots left to be cleaned out. The last cut is just for some of the bigger letters. seventh cut: depth 2.5 mm offset 1.1 mm finished cutting with Origin Now take a small, well honed carving knife or a fresh sharpie and carefully scrape off the leftover wood-fibres at the corners of the cutting steps. If you are experienced with fine hand carvings, take your knifes and make a clean finish-cut to get a complete authentical result. Depending on the wood and your carving skills you could also change to handcarving after the fourth to fifth cut. Enjoy your result!

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