The first version of the feather board is set up for 3/4" table slots. The magnetic feather board needs at least 2 Mag-Jig 60. The clamp style feather board can be clamped to the table saw rip fence or other vertical surfaces.
Jigs & Fixtures
Feather Board clamping.svg
Feather Board Mag.svg
Feather Board.svg
3/4" Baltic Birch Plywood 8" x 8" cutting area 1/4" Wing-nut Quantity 2
1/4" x 1-1/2" Hex Bolt Quantity 2
Shaper Origin
1/8" Cutting Bit
1/2" Dovetail Bit
You need at least 8" square cutting area of 3/4" Baltic Birch. When cutting the wood knobs the depth for the hex shape is .31". This is deeper than the bolt head but gives enough reach for the bolt to hold the wing-nut at the bottom of the miter slot. For the miter slot board, after you cut the center 1/4 inch "bar bell" path out with 1/8" straight bit, switch to a 1/2" dovetail bit (remember to reset the z axis) and set the depth to 3/4" and select the straight line path in the center of miter pattern. This will start in one of the circular cutouts. This allows you to plunge without cutting then follow the line path to end and then the dovetail bit can exit up and out. Do not end then cut mid way. The router will try and retract and cut a new exit point. if that happens will need to start over with new stock. After the dovetail slot is cut for the wing-nut wedge. You need to pocket cut the whole piece down to the height of the channel slot in your table top. Measure the depth of the miter slot (should be about 3/8") in your table and subtract this from the thickness of the plywood. That will be the depth of the pocket cut from the router. This should be a less than 3/8". If you keep the dovetail bit in when cutting the pocket area remember to position over the open circle area when starting the pocket cut. Once the pocket cut is done. Change back to the 1/8" bit and change the pocket cut to an outside cut and fully cutout the miter slot board. The wing-nut will need to be modified to fit in under the miter slot board. To do this the wing on the wing-nut will need to be cut down to no more than 1/4" high from the base of the nut. The wings normally are 1/2" above the base of the nut. This can be done by putting the wing-nut on a bolt with a jamb nut locking it on to the end of the bolt. You can then grind or cut the wing off. after the Wing-nut cools down from the cut, unscrew the jamb nut and remove the modified wing-nut. Assemble as shown in photo. Updated Added another version of a magnetic feather board. Added a version that allows openings for clamping to vertical fences.
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