Ring Valet

Updated Sun May 01 2022

A medium sized ring valet incorporating padded slots for rings and a large cubby for watches, bracelets, and necklaces.

> 2 hr



Files Included (3)

  • base_outline.svg

    22 kB
  • lid_only.svg

    40 kB
  • Truncated_Veining_copy.svg

    28 kB


Birdseye maple, purple heart, walnut.


SO, trim router, band saw, various sanders.


The lid and base are held in alignment by an interlocking ring. Cut the maple base extension and walnut lid extension slightly larger than needed and adjust the fit of one of them using SO offsets. Then when you glue the extensions to their respective mates you will have a slight overhang to trim which will make the exterior of the lid and bas assemblies line up perfectly.

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