Jewelry box ribbon inlay

By Robert113
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Fri Dec 04 2020

This is the lid for a jewelry box that I wanted to look like the present that it actually is. So I decided to inlay a ribbon and bow of purpleheart into a birdseye maple background. The inlays are 1/8 inch thick.

1 hr



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    17 kB


Birdseye maple, purpleheart, ebony


Shaper Origin, palm router, track saw, Domino, various sanders.


When cutting the recesses for multiple inlays leaving only a thin strip of background material it is helpful to cut and place every other inlay first and then sand flush. Next cut and place the remaining inlays. This way is is possible to have the background separating the inlays to be as thin as you like without fear of tear out. It seems less efficient but it is reliable. I cut these recesses .006 oversize which allowed the inlays to be easily pushed into place by hand. I was concerned about breakage since they are only 1/8 inch thick but actually they look very tight.

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