Various drink coaster and Plaques.
Arsenal_FC beau smooth.svg
Cats Under the Stars.svg
Celtic Cross.svg
Coat_of_arms_of_Albania. round svg.svg
Coat_of_Arms_of_Basilicata updated.svg
Fordham-Rams GRAY AND WHITE.svg
Galway Coat of arms Black areas only 8-12-23.svg
Galway_Co color reference only not for cutting
Galway_Coat of arms all Paths 8-12-23.svg
Golden Retriever.svg
Hang in there.svg
James Madison Logo.svg
Liverpool SVG.svg
Maker's Mark Logo.svg
Monarch Butterfly just black WITH ORANGE GROUPED.svg
Spaten Letters enlarged tweaked black linescorrect colors.svg
University of Alabama.svg
5/16" thick blank (wood of your choice)
1/4", 1/8" ,1/16", 1/32",0.5mm,0.4mm bits
Clear epoxy, Dye, torch, dental pick tool
Make a fixture that will hold blank in a repeatable position. Cut blank 5/16"thick to fit snugly in fixture. Cut Black paths only first with 1/16" dia. bit, set negative offset to over cut and get through the thin paths. (-0.005"). 1/8" depth. Over cut will be eliminated while cutting other color paths. Fill with black epoxy sand and repeat for each color cut, fill and sand. Sand to 320 grit and clear coats of your choice. Wipe clean, not dishwasher safe. Make separate file for each color or use on tool settings to make other color paths blue indicating guide to avoid miscuts. The wood can be used to separate colors if the wall thickness allows (as seen in Arsenal and Steal your face). Use Torch to remove bubbles from epoxy.
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