Inspired by the Penrose Triangle project by @JT007, here is another optical illusion triangle project, based on an Escher print. Maple, oak and purpleheart provided good color contrast.
3 pieces wood of contrasting colors, approx. 100x150mm, 6mm thick.
Wood glue
Wipe-on poly
1/8" upcut bit and optional 1/16" bit for final pass at inside corners.
Cut the pieces with zero end offset. I used 1/8"bit with 0.2mm offset and a for the F-shaped pieces a final run with a 1/16" bit with zero offset to reduce the radius at the inside corners. This sequence of assembly worked for me: Glue the straight pieces to the inside of the F-shapes. Glue the F-shaped pieces together. Place the 3 inside pieces. Some sanding may be needed to fit. Sand smooth and apply finish. (For me 5 layers of wipe-on poly)
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