Knitting Glove Blockers Sizes Womens - Small (3.5") Womens - Medium (3.75") Womens Large/Mens Small (4") Mens - Medium (4.25") Mens - Large (4.5")
1/2" Ba;tic birch
1mm Bit for the lettering, inside cut, set at 0.8mm bit size, 0.9mm deep.
1/4" Bit
On each SVG file, the numbers in Blue is the scale size to be set on Origin as you import. ( Ihaven't found the magic setting in AD, where my sag's import scaled correctly. AS the 1/4" Baltic Birch is a little fragile, I found a 1" strip of double sided tape, horizontally across the center, was adequate to hold the piece as well as the center cut out pieces while cutting. The lettering for the size of Glove Blocker, I used a 1mm bit in the 1/8" collet. To allow a full inside cut, I faked Origin out by telling it the bit was 0.8mm All the blockers are 13" long, so I made the blanks 14" long. For the width I added about an inch to the width size of the blocker.
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