Peg Solitaire

By JustinEltoft
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Fri Aug 06 2021

This is a fast and simple build of a classic peg solitaire game. Pick your favorite wood, buy a 1/4 inch dowel from your closest box store, and have fun!

10 min



Files Included (1)

  • solitare.svg

    6 kB


- 1/8 inch Shaper Origin upcut bit

- 1/4 inch Shaper Origin upcut bit

- 3/4 inch solid wood board >= 5 inches wide and long

- 1/4 inch dowel for pegs, >= 36 inches long

- Shaper Origin tape or workstation

- Double sided tape to secure wood during cut


- Shaper Origin

- Band Saw (miter saw works also)

- Sand Paper

- Router w/ 1/4 round over bit (optional)


1. Cut 1/4 dowel in consistent length pieces. ~185% thickness of board. 2. Setup wood board for cutting. 3. Cut holes with 1/8 inch bit for pegs to ~75% thickness of the board with an inside cut. 3.1. Test fit of pegs in first hole. I had to use -.01 offset for my dowel to fit nicely. Easy in/out but won't fall out either. Adjust for your fit preference! 4. Use outside cut with 1/4 inch bit for triangle border in a few passes to full depth of board. 5. (Optional) 1/4 round over bit the bottom of triangle. 6. Sand the sharp edges to your desired comfort. I used the bandsaw to cut out the dowels pegs with a zero clearance fence to easily make them all the same size. My board was about 0.72 inches thick when I started. My holes are 0.52 inches deep. My pegs are 1.35 inches long.

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