Adjustable Snowboard Waxing and Edge Tuning Table

By Cody-Shaper
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Mon Nov 30 2020

This simple project creates a nice waxing table for your snowboards. As a bonus it has a vertical slot so that you can tune your edges as well. This design will work for any size board, including a massive 170 ultrawide board.

1 hr 30 min



Files Included (4)

  • base.svg

    31 kB
  • bottom_of_stabilizer.svg

    2 kB
  • main_support.svg

    1 kB
  • stabilizer.svg

    1 kB


1"x12"x8' nominal board

2' of 3/8" dowel

Old bike tire


Shaper Origin

Staple Gun

Hand saw


Cut 2x main support. Try to align the grain across the width, otherwise you might get a crack in the bottom of the vertical slot (see the support on the right in the third picture). Before removing test fit the stabilizer area with a piece of scrap wood to make sure that the stabilizer will fit. Make the fit bigger with an offset on-tool. Cut 4x stabilizer pieces. Again test fit the joint with the main support piece. Next is the bottom of the stabilizer. You can use a workstation. For this project I just carefully clamped them to the 12" board and used that as a hackstation. You'll have to regrid each time. Cut the 2 peg holes on each stabilizer. Cut 1x base. Try to keep your tool oriented in the same direction the whole time. Cut 8x pegs from the dowel with a hand saw. Glue the pegs into the stabilizers. Test fit the stabilizers into the base. For my build I shaved off some of the peg so that it fit nicely. Next use the base as a jig to correctly position the stabilizers. Place 2x stabilizers into the base, add glue, then add the main support. Let the glue dry. Once the glue dries take the old bike tire and split down the middle lengthwise, and cut so you have a long flat strip. Starting with one end of the main support, lay down the tire as a protective surface. Use the staple gun to attach the tire and keep it tight. To use clamp the base down to your workbench. I've found that I like to leave the supports pretty wide, even on relatively short boards. When scraping you can use a 15lb weight on to hold the snowboard in place.

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