Salt and pepper box Created by Orjan1 — Salt end pepper box. Decide for yourself how thick the lid should be. And use text tool on Shaper Origin to type Salt and Pepper. Mandatory to include the horns ;) And the spoons are also mandatory and must be made freehand :)
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Salt and pepper box

By Orjan1|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated November 29th, 2021

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Salt end pepper box. Decide for yourself how thick the lid should be. And use text tool on Shaper Origin to type Salt and Pepper. Mandatory to include the horns ;) And the spoons are also mandatory and must be made freehand :)

40 min



Files included (2)
Salt and pepper lid .svg
5 kB
Salt and pepper.svg
2 kB

Oak? You deside.
Salt end pepper box. Decide for yourself how thick the lid should be. And use text tool on Shaper Origin to type Salt and Pepper. Mandatory to include the horns ;) And the spoons are also mandatory and must be made freehand :)