Whether in the home office or in the actual office, a relaxing feeling of nature should not be limited to desk plants and mineral water. A unique tape dispenser made of warm natural material is guaranteed to upgrade your workplace and conjure up a smile whenever you need tape ;)
inner shell first side.svg
inner shell second side.svg
milling template.svg
short instructions.pdf
side left kontur.svg
side left pockets.svg
side left.svg
side right kontur.svg
side right pockets.svg
side right.svg
solide wood of your choice (for example maple and cherry as shown in the photos):
2× sides 170×60×10mm
1× inner shell 190×80×45mm
1× role 50×50×31mm
other materials required:
steel bar 60×41×8mm
1mm thick copper sheet
basic Handtools
+ clamps
Shaper Origin (+Workstation) - standard router bits:
3mm spiral upcut router bit as well as a 3mm carbide bit
6mm spiral upcut router bit
8mm spiral upcut router bit
engraving cutter with a sharp cutting angle
(basic Tools to apply an oil based surface finish)
a chop saw could help at some point
hand-held router
here´s a links for the surface finish I used: https://www.complex-farben.at/produkte/oele--wachse-innen I have attached a pdf to my files with a detailed description and photos of the manufacturing process. For the weight pocket and the pocket for the blade, I only used the design options on the Shaper, which is why there is no extra file included. However, in the short guidance I explain in detail how I proceeded. The attached files for the tape dispenser sides contain SVG files that contain all contours, as well as files with the individual contours, if you would like to omit or change work steps. In addition, the origin can load and process smaller files with fewer contours faster and without long computing times. here is a link to my instagram account with more projects I did in the past: https://www.instagram.com/_meigel/ I look forward to any kind of feedback. Have fun!
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