
By FlorianMeigel
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Fri Dec 08 2023

I have attached two furniture details that I want to share with you. An alternative mortise and tenon joint for furniture corners and a simple, functional coat hook design for jackets, scarves and much more

30 min



Files Included (3)

  • mortise.svg

    4 kB
  • short guidance.pdf

    2 MB
  • tenon.svg

    2 kB


The corner joint works with any material thickness greater than 11mm. The thicker the material, the deeper the miter has to be cut (see short guidance)

I used a 25mm round rod made of pine wood for the clothes rails. However, any other shape, material and thickness is conceivable here.

you may need some scrap material for sacrificial plates, etc.


basic Handtools

+ clamps

Shaper Origin +Workstation - standard router bits:

3mm spiral upcut router bit

6mm spiral upcut router bit

15 degree Dovetail router bit

(hand-held router with a rebate cutter)

hand-held circular saw with rail or a table saw as an alternative


here´s a links for the surface laminate used: I have attached a pdf to my files with a detailed description and photos of the manufacturing process. For the coat hook solution, I only used the design options on the Shaper, which is why there is no extra file included. However, in the short guidance I explain in detail how I proceeded. here is a link to my instagram account with more projects I did in the past: I look forward to any kind of feedback. Have fun!

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