stool Created by FlorianMeigel — My thought on this project was to design and make a useful piece of furniture that, apart from solid wood planing, can be made using only the Origin. Still a prototype with some needs of optimization and still a pleasure to be able to sit down after work :D
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By FlorianMeigel|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated November 24th, 2023

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My thought on this project was to design and make a useful piece of furniture that, apart from solid wood planing, can be made using only the Origin. Still a prototype with some needs of optimization and still a pleasure to be able to sit down after work :D

1 hr 30 min



Files included (6)
gluing template.svg
819 B
left stool foot.svg
4 kB

black MDF (any other available color is of course conceivable) ca. 1130 × 400mm european fir (any other sufficiently stable wood is of coures conceivable) 6× boards with finished dimensions: ca. 450 × 70mm ordinary wood glue oil based surface coat or a surface-treatment of your choice (some waste material for your templates)
basic Handtools + clamps ca. 500mm Shaper Origin + standard router bits: 3mm spiral upcut router bit + 45° engraving bit (for the grooves in the seat plate) 6mm spiral upcut router bit (corner joint) 8mm spiral upcut router bit (rabbet and outer contour) (a hand-held circular saw with rail or a table saw as an alternative could help at some point) (basic Tools for sanding and to apply an oil based surface finish)
here´s a links for the surface finish I used: and another link for the MDF: I have attached a pdf to my files with a detailed description and photos of the manufacturing process. please let me know if you have any problems with the files here is a link to my instagram account with more projects I did in the past: I look forward to any kind of feedback. Have fun!