Amazon Cheap Brass small handle Created by Kwarts — This is a cutting file for Embedded sliding door handles bought from Amazon. Nice Brass cheap handles ASIN: B09X2ZCTQY I have included 2 files, an export from a Fusion 360 sketch and a Shaper Studio file that includes the depths. Depth for the front plate is 1.7 mm and for the actual insert 12.5 mm
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Amazon Cheap Brass small handle

By Kwarts|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated February 9th, 2023

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This is a cutting file for Embedded sliding door handles bought from Amazon. Nice Brass cheap handles ASIN: B09X2ZCTQY I have included 2 files, an export from a Fusion 360 sketch and a Shaper Studio file that includes the depths. Depth for the front plate is 1.7 mm and for the actual insert 12.5 mm



Files included (2)
Brass Pull Handle.svg
11 kB
Fusion 360 Bras Pull Handle.svg
2 kB

Shaper Origin