Workstation for Shaper Workstation

BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Mon Nov 16 2020

A rolling container to mount the Shaper Workstation on. Goals: - one height that the domino plane has the same height as an Festool MFT (900 mm) - second height that the workstation is mounted in the same height as mounted on a MFT (not in the pictures) - side aluminium profiles in the same height as MFT profile for connecting - front aluminium profiles for holding larger parts

> 2 hr


Shaper Workstation

Files Included (10)

  • 18mm_Material.svg

    10 kB
  • 25mm_Material.svg

    22 kB
  • Boden.svg

    5 kB
  • Rückwand.svg

    3 kB
  • Schrank_Shaper_Workstation v17.f3z

    4 MB
  • Seitenwand_re_Faces.svg

    5 kB
  • Seitenwand_re_Stirn.svg

    1 kB
  • Zwischenboden_2.svg

    2 kB
  • Zwischenboden.svg

    2 kB
  • Zwischenwand.svg

    1 kB


-Bottom part (Boden), Side walls (Seitenwände): 25 mm thick (e.g. OSB)

-Rear Wall (Rückwand), Intermediate shelfs (Zwischenboden, Zwischenboden 2), Intermediate Wall (Zwischenwand): 18 mm thick (e.g. OSB)

- Aluminium C profile 17 mm x 11 mm: 2x 400 mm length, 2x 595 mm length

- Rollers: Nylon Schwerlast Lenkrolle mit Bremse 50 mm - ZNY4-50 (Mounting height 79 mm, if you use others, adapt the construction)

- Roller mounts: drive in nuts and bolts M8


- Shaper Origin

- Roughening bit 6 mm

- Normal bit 10 mm for the C-profile slots

- Festool TSC55 with guide rail


- If you want, take the Fusion 360 file and change the design to what you need. - Work technic like "Sessions 0003 : Hybrid Cutting : Origin + Tracksaw" - Fitting holes with dog bones - for the slot on the front side of the side walls: mount the front plate of the Shaper Workstation in the highest position, than you can use clamps through the 20 mm holes to mount the side walls to the Shaper Workstation

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