These are number templates for a community garden. We have a large number of small garden plots, each plot needs a number painted on. The 'L' shape helps provide consistent alignment with the top of the garden bed. Numbers are approx. 6" high with approx. 5/8" thick stroke. Edit: The second file (R1) has the paper size resized to show all the letters instead of just "12". Both files should be identical on the Shaper.
Stencil Letters-6 R1.svg
Stencil Letters-6.svg
9" x 48" sheet of thin plywood
2" x 48" piece of 3/4" plywood or scrap
Shaper Origin
Mitre saw or hand saw
Brad Nailer
Place the file and cut out the numbers I did number 1-6, then added more tape and rescanned facing the other direction. I cut 7-8 facing the original direction, then turned the board around and cut 9-0. I guessed at the distance between, you end up with a bit less than 0.75" on each side of each number. The spacing was optimized for the length of thin plywood I had. I used 1/2" however you could easily go thinner. I placed the numbers down further on the board then cut a scrap of 3/4" plywood to match the same width of each number template, then I glued & nailed the pieces at the top, to allow the templates to sit in a straight line on the garden beds. I made some spacers using other scrap OSB to try prevent overspray and give the numbers equal distance from each end.
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