Unique laptop stand with tilted dovetail feet. Bigger versions will be there at some time soon.
Dovetail Laptop Stand Feet v0.pdf
12mm thick pieces of wood or plywood
tabel top: 210 x 305 mm
2x feet: ca. 115 x 185 mm
piece of wood with 15° angle
Shaper Origin
Shaper Workstation
15° dovetail bit
6 x 30 mm spiral flat router bit
Take a look at the Instagram Reel: https://www.instagram.com/p/DBMcTKRo1ZJ/ You can cut the files in the order of the numbers. Use 6x30mm spiral bit to cut as deep as possible on file 01 and 02. Before cutting the feet, saw a 15° angle on a piece of wood and tape it to workstation with double sided tape. Use the PDF Plan to prepare the size of the feet. Saw a 15° on the dovetail side of the feet and a 14,5° angle on the bottom. Be aware of the 90° angle! Tape the left foot to the wedge and secure it with the workstation clamps. Add a grid to the left upper corner to place file 03 and 04. Use a 6mm spiral bit for file 03. Use the 15° dovetail bit for file 04. Tape the left foot to the wedge and secure it with the workstation clamps. Switch to the right foot. It is the left foot, but mirrored. Add a grid to the right upper corner to place file 05 and 06. Use a 6mm spiral bit for file 05. Use the 15° dovetail bit for file 06.
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