Foldable Workhorse 90cm

By NerdyTimber
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Sun Mar 22 2020

You need a workhorse for you workshop or to be transportable? Use these svg to build your own with Origin.

1 hr


Jigs & Fixtures

Files Included (6)

  • Auflager.svg

    1 kB
  • Bein_klaue.svg

    2 kB
  • Bein.svg

    2 kB
  • Querholz zapfen.svg

    963 B
  • querholz_kurz.svg

    1 kB
  • querholz.svg

    1 kB


For one pair of workhorses

21 mm sheet of spruce

950mm x 95mm 4x

900mm x 95mm 4x

700mm x 50mm 2x

742mm x 50mm 2x

842mm x 85mm 2x

dowels 12mm 4x

threaded screws M8 x 50mm 4x

washers 8x

threaded nuts M8 4x


Shaper Origin


maybe a table saw


To download the Fusion 360 model click here: YouTube Video: Use the Origin to mill everything but the "querholz ---" files. Those are way more easy to cut on a tablesaw. But if you would like to use origin, use the "querholz zapfen" svg to cut the spigots on the end grain of the 4 "querholz" and "querholz_kurz" parts. Milling the "auflager", be aware to carve the pockets slipping inside the claws of the legs only on one side (pictures).

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