PorzHook Door-Handle-Opener Created by Tischlerei — Porzhook (combination of colloquial german for Door and hook), invented by german Jan Lukas Waibel as a 3D printable Door handle opener to prevent touching potentialy infectious Door handels. See the link below! The intend of this tool is to protect yourself and others from the spreat of the Corona Virus by avoiding a direct contact with public door handles. I encourage anyone to produce as much as you can and share for free. Thanks and stay healthy, Maik
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PorzHook Door-Handle-Opener

By Tischlerei|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated March 30th, 2020

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Porzhook (combination of colloquial german for Door and hook), invented by german Jan Lukas Waibel as a 3D printable Door handle opener to prevent touching potentialy infectious Door handels. See the link below! The intend of this tool is to protect yourself and others from the spreat of the Corona Virus by avoiding a direct contact with public door handles. I encourage anyone to produce as much as you can and share for free. Thanks and stay healthy, Maik

20 min



Files included (1)
Porzhook shaper adapt Fusion.svg
35 kB

Compact Laminate (HPL) starting from 8 mm in thickness or any other desinfectant compatible material that can be milled. Plywood, MDF and Hardwood will work too but there is a problem with disinfecting these materials. So in this case I would rather trash the hooks on a regular base after use.
Shaper, 6 mm cutter (1/4 inch. cutter), Sanding paper
Place the file on your plate and start by cutting the hole as an inside cut, than.. Make an outside cut of the PorzHook shape. As the HPL is pretty hard and brittle I recommand cutting out the shape in depth with steps of 2 mm per turn. After cutting sand the edges as routed HPL can be sharp-edged. And there you go...! The Porz-Hook is great for opening door handles as well as closing them. I use the tool for pressing public nummeric pads and bell buttons, either. Make sure to desinfect PorzHook on a regular base. Here comes a link to the webpage of Jan Lukas Waibel, the inventor, with some statements regarding the tool (in german) https://3dprintnovesia.de/ 3d printerfiles can be found at: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/gadget/porzhook