A variation of the Tote in Fine Woodworking 315 by Michael Pekovich with Joinery laid out in Studio and cut with Origin. Substituted a "drop-tail" for the traditional dovetail. One variation inlaid with a button as a gift for a button collector
Tote Desogm..svg
Tote Droplet joinery.svg
Tote side 1R.svg
Tote side handle mortise, tenon.svg
Ends milled to .7"; Sides to ~1/2"
Honey locust handle
Origin, Workstation
Pieces milled for ends 8.4x11.1" thickness .7" (could vary to fit desired scale) Bottoms and sides milled to 0.5" thickness Cut bottom edge of sides with angle to match ends Initial cuts for bottom tenons using Workstation. Used Auto-pass to gradually bring tenons to size Cut tenons in ends of side pieces Cut tenons in ends of handle piece Note: if dimensions of tote are changed, will need to redo derived cut files for bottoms accordingly) Using Origin, cut outlines of end pieces, slots for side pieces and mortise for handle, then cut mortises in bottoms of end pieces; fitting each of the mortises using tenons For button tote, cut mortise for buttons on the outsides of the ends Cut arch of handle on bandsaw then shaped with spokeshave Center of handle wrapped with leather lacing Cut 1/16" chamfers on edges using router table Sanded all pieces to 220 grit Relatively simple glue up Finished with Osmo Article in Fine Woodworking issue 315 has other useful details
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