Curved Tail Joinery box

By Michael_B
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Thu Feb 29 2024

A variation on box joinery created in Studio With the flavor of a variation on a 1/2 blind dovetail but one that cannot be made with traditional hand tools Included files for Tenons and Mortise creation Easy and precise fit

30 min



Files Included (5)

  • Curve Tail Inlay veneer.svg

    94 kB
  • Curve Tail Lid & Bottom.svg

    190 kB
  • Curve Tail Rabbet & Mortises.svg

    543 kB
  • Curve tail Tenon cut.svg

    159 kB
  • Curve Tail top inlay.svg

    6 kB


1/2" material for sides, top and bottom

Pictured box in steamed cherry & birds-eye maple


Shaper Origin

Shaper Workstation

1/4" and 1/8" bits


Note: Guides included in cut files Tenons: Joinery begins with cutting tenons at each end of the 2 side pieces Stock milled to 3" height mounted to workstation with inside surface facing out Use workstation side reference pins & support bar mounted to top to align Scan then create new Grid using bottom and left edges of piece (will do this once then use for all Tenon cuts) Add Design: "Curve Tail Tenon Cut" file; place at Custom Anchor X=0, Y=0 Z touch using 1/8" bit Cut using Inside Path with 2 passes of 0.125" each @ offset of 0.01" (or use Auto Pass) then finish path with 0 offset; 0.255” depth Then pocket remaining areas between tenons to 0.255” depth Rotate piece to opposite end keeping inside surface facing out Clear cut history before each new set of tenons Repeat for each of the 4 ends Mortises: May use either Workstation adjustable platform or benchtop with co-planar tape surface to cut mortises Mount piece to be cut with inside face up Create reference points / edges to align subsequent Mortise cuts using either sacrificial bar and end-stop piece on Workstation or small blocks on benchtop work surface Scan and create New Grid + Design "Curve Tail Rabbet & Mortise Cut -- custom anchor at X=0, Y=0 Cut Rabbet (taller rectangle) first to depth of 0.25" using 2 depth passes with Pocket path then Inside path with Finish offset = -0.003" Cut Mortises with Inside cut - May use Helix cut to final offset of -0.003". Cut to depth of 0.52" (fully through piece) Pieces should fit together with enough room for glue in joints -- may need to adjust based on your trials I would suggest always trying joint on test pieces first to refine process Top and bottom pieces: Mount top then bottom pieces with inside faces up, Scan Measure inside dimensions of side walls once assembled Create on tool rectangle to match inside dimensions of box Visually place design centered on top outline Change to .25” bit – Z touch Use Outside path around the inner rectangle to depth of 0.25" offset = 0 Test fit and adjust using negative offsets to fit inside walls of box On the sides of top of box, may add side handles - cut to depth = thickness of inlay piece Would suggest first cutting handle pieces (ovals illustrated or other variation if preferred) Use material milled to 0.2" thickness Create matching inlay pocket with depth = thickness of inlay handle adjust to fit handle snugly Other designs can be added to top or inside of box Possible examples included as "Curve Tail Inlay Design" and "Curve Tail Top Inlay" files On pictured box, outside edges of top and bottoms chamfered with edge guide chamfer bit on router table

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