A tray for the tools I use while working with Shaper Origin Kept next to the Workstation as I work, it makes tools easy to find When not in use, it lives in a case (could be done with Systainer) with other Shaper components
Storage & Organization
Tool tray final.svg
3/4" MDF
Shaper Origin
I've put together the tools that I use when working with Shaper O Designed the tray to fit into a case that I'd gotten years ago but could be modified to fit Systainer Cut depths vary by the tool Included a couple of things that I use I hadn't seen in other foam cut out designs A caliper is something I use often - nearly every setup Have a 6" ruler to the right of the caliper - used 1 mm bit to cut groove X-acto retractable knife Pencil and eraser Artists palate knife - I find this useful when carefully teasing the double stick tape from a small piece of laminate inlay Small holes to hold the bits I am currently working with The notches were placed to fit the case I'm using but easily modifiable for use with Systainer
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