Hex Created by IanDownLondonWay — Hex game Comprising board, box and tray to hold pieces.
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By IanDownLondonWay|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated September 25th, 2020

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Hex game Comprising board, box and tray to hold pieces.

2 hr



Files included (21)
1 - Box closed.jpg
1 MB
2 - Box open.jpg
1 MB

Board: 160x300x5.25mm ply (6 of) Edge: 160x300x5.25mm ply (2 of) Box: 160x300x5.25mm ply (5 of) Trays: 160x300x5.25mm ply (3 of) Pieces: 30mm diameter x10mm White hard wood (40 of) same in dark wood Finish of choice (e.g. wax)
Shaper Origin, engraving bit, cut out bit (e.g. 3mm) (useful to also have ~1mm bit) Lathe (if making your own pieces)
Full instructions / background are included in the downloadable files (in odt/docx/html). Also some pictures as well as a full set of svg files. The box and tray svg files are specific to the ply thickness I used, being 5.25mm. The depth of the notches will need to be adjusted for the thickness of your ply. The ply thickness for the board and edges of the board could be anything - the svgs are not specific to ply thickness. PS. Thank you Mfsamuel for your Tsuro plans which inspired me to do this.