Truck - toy cars shelf Created by Bajko — Shelf for my son's toy cars. Dimmensions cca. 85x 25cm
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Truck - toy cars shelf

By Bajko|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated January 19th, 2021

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Shelf for my son's toy cars. Dimmensions cca. 85x 25cm

2 hr



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18mm plywood 6mm plywood glue colors nails
Shaper Origin 6mm cutter brush hammer or pneumatic nailer
1) cut the TOP part from 18mm plywood with the pockets (wheels & driver window). 2) cut the design again from 18mm plywood WITHOUT the pockets. It will be a middle part. 3) cut the outside shape of the truck from 6mm plywood for bottom part. 4) glue top and middle part together. You will get cca. 40mm deep part. It is a stable base so the shelf can stand alone. 5) cut the holes for hanging hooks on the backside (optional). 6) now, if you want, you can paint the shelf and bottom part. It's easier to do it separately, befor completing of the shelf. 7) nail the bottom part to the shelf. Done. Enjoy!