SWS Duck Clamp Shelf

By Bajko
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Tue Jun 09 2020

I've made this shelf for easy and firm attachment of the material to the Shaper WorkStation. I have used the "duck" clamps, which ensure the grip and do not obstruct with work. You can buy it here: https://www.axminstertools.com/ujk-technology-surface-cam-clamps-pair-105325 https://www.axminstertools.com/ujk-technology-cam-wedge-clamping-set-105369 With this shelf you can attach the material up to a width of 25 cm.

40 min


Shaper Workstation

Files Included (2)

  • workstation_extention.jpg

    196 kB
  • workstation_extention.svg

    5 kB


18mm plywood

4x screws from the original SWS shelf


Shaper Origin

6mm cutter

UJK Surface Cam "DUCK" Clamps


-buy the UJK Surface Cam Clamps or make your own -cut all holes - inside cut -holes for the screws: cut the 6mm diameter first. Then set the offset to -3mm and make the 13mm deep pockets -cut the outlines (I've made the corners with the Origin and other cuts with the circular saw)

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