Chisel Rack with Cleats and Finger Protection

By PatrickS
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Fri Nov 06 2020

Following the excellent session on cleats and the call for participation I wanted to share my take on a chisel holder.

40 min



Files Included (12)

  • Cleat Halter für Stechbeitel - Horizontales Brett.afdesign

    11 kB
  • Cleat Halter für Stechbeitel - Vertikales Brett mit Zahlen.afdesign

    15 kB
  • Cleat Halter für Stechbeitel - Zapfen oben und unten.afdesign

    8 kB
  • Cleat Halter für Stechbeitel - Zapfen oben und unten.svg

    925 B
  • Cleat Halter für Stechbeitel - Zapfen vorne.afdesign

    9 kB
  • Cleat Halter für Stechbeitel - Zapfen vorne.svg

    921 B
  • Cleat Halter für Stechbeitel.afdesign

    10 kB
  • Cleat Halter für Stechbeitel.svg

    4 kB
  • Cleat Holder for Chisels - Horizontal Board with cutouts.svg

    2 kB
  • Cleat Holder for Chisels - Side Part.svg

    3 kB
  • Cleat Holder for Chisels - Tenon Template.svg

    925 B
  • Cleat Holder for Chisels - Vertical Board with numbers.svg

    10 kB


18mm Plywood.


6mm Spiral Upcut Bit.


I hate the protective plastic caps that come delivered at the end of these chisels so I discarded them right away (to be honest I lost two first and THEN discarded all others ;-) ) and designed this holder with my fingertips in mind. I keep my chisels razorsharp at all times and they easily push through endgrain with little to no effort. Of course they do the same with our soft wiggly outer hull (skin). And as I wanted to regularly take it off the wall to place it next to my workpiece or to work outside on nice days it can also stand on its own. Hence the depth of the rack, to prevent it from tipping over. It stands very firm and nicely this way. The engraved numbers make it easy to select the right size. The stated numbers are metric, yet I included all Affinity Files so you can adapt, change, and remix how you like. If you have any contributions or improvements, share them with me and I can include them in this project. Or create your own project for the community to benefit from. Notes before cutting: 1. I cut this the day after I received my Shaper Workstation, so I went with the "fancy" mortise & tenon joinery to test the workflow on it. Screws will do just fine. 2. Measure the spacing between your cleat profiles on the wall and adjust the file if neccessary, you want the lower support to touch the wall, not the cleat profile. 3. I added a 45° bevel cut at the top of the board with the numbers to make it easier to take out the chisels.

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