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Hand Tool Rescue - Large Screwdriver Handle

By AaronJZ|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated February 20th, 2021

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Handle template for Hand Tool Rescue's Large Screwdriver kit.

20 min



Files included (3)
Hand Tool Rescue - Large Screwdrive Handle - Left.svg
4 kB
Hand Tool Rescue - Large Screwdrive Handle - Outline.svg
7 kB

2 pieces of 5" x 1.5" x 3/4" stock (one for each side) Use any material you feel comfortable cutting with the shaper origin.
Shaper Origin Spokeshave, Rasp, Sandpaper, etc.. to shape
This is for Hand Tool Rescue's Large Screwdriver kit. This will require hand shaping of the round side of the handle. The pin holes are optional if you just want to epoxy it to the handle.