Simple project. Cut X and O pieces from 1/4" hardwood. You need 5 each X and O.
Kid-friendly Builds
Tic Tac Toe.svg
1/4" hardwood scraps for X's and O's about .9 to 1".
The .9 looked better and didn't crowd board.
My base was 4 1/8' square walnut.
Kerfs at 1 & 3/16" from each edge.
Shaper Origin
Make sure pieces are very well taped down. If they move at all the SO eats them. I was going to build base using shaper but cutting it on table saw to square and then just shallow kerf cuts for the squares was much faster. NOTE: Others are suggesting with very small items to leave a "bridge" in a couple of places .002-.003" and then make final cut with utility knife. May save SO from damaging very small parts.
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