Fly Fishing Fly Box

By RichardT
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Sun Nov 05 2023

Designed this fly box for a vocational school project in Belize. They make and sell these to tourists, medical teams and other groups that visit occasionally. Would make a great Christmas gift for fly fishing friends or family members. I used Mesquite for the prototype but obviously any hardwood would do, the more highly figured the better.

1 hr 30 min



Files Included (1)

  • Fly Fishing Box v3.svg

    10 kB


Disc Magnets, 8 x 2mm (2)

Umpqua Replacement Foam Sheet for Baby Boat Box (2)

Sea Dog Butt Hinge SS 1-3/8"x1-1/2" (2)

1" thick hardwood


Shaper Origin+Workstation

Carbide Surfacing Router Bit, 1" Cutting Diameter

Drill and miscellaneous hand tools



This project primarily involves patiently cutting the outline and interior pockets at different depths, and using different bits including a 1" carbide surfacing bit to remove most of the wood in the pocket. You'll still need to use a 1/4" spiral bit to clean up the edges and smaller areas. Cut Depths Hinge: 0.181" Magnet: 0.0765" For the interior pocket, your wood thickness may vary but suggest leaving no less than ~1/4" wall thickness. The interior pocket is patterned for the Umpqua Baby box foam insert which comes with an adhesive backing. For large flies (salt water), I'd suggest using only one foam insert to leave maximum height. The magnets hold the two halves together and the hinges are marine quality (strong). All of these materials are available on Amazon. There are plenty of SVG format designs of fish, etc available on the www so you're welcome to determine if/how you'd like to personalize yours. Any questions or issues please let me know ... and feedback always welcome.

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