1/4" Router Bit Locker for the SO

By RichardT
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Thu Oct 22 2020

At some point, you'll outgrow the tool pouch that comes with your Shaper CNC router so here's an idea for a compact storage bin with good visibility and easy access to all your 1/4" router bits.

20 min


Shaper Workstation

Files Included (1)

  • Bit Locker.svg

    5 kB


3/4" Popular, or any scrap wood

1/4" magnets (2)

Double sided tape

Wood glue


Shaper Origin

Bandsaw (opt)

Drill press or hand drill, and 3/8" forstner bit


Cut four 3" diameter pieces of scrap wood and glue them together. The tallest router bit I have is 2 1/2" so make sure your log is at least ~3" tall. Then cut the "log" in half on your bandsaw (or handsaw). Mark the center of the log and use this pattern for the SO to layout 12 holes (3/8" diameter) in the top and bottom. Attach each half to your workspace with double sided tape. Then, suggest route each bit hole ~1/4" deep, and use your drill or drill press to complete the hole to 1 1/4" deep. The center hole in the pattern is intended for magnets which will hold the top and bottom together, so remember to cut the depth only as thick as your magnet and use CA glue to hold the magnets in place. Label the top half by using SO Design options for simple text and shapes.

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