French Cleat System Created by ShaperA — French Cleat System for your shop
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French Cleat System

By ShaperA|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated November 5th, 2020

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French Cleat System for your shop

30 min



Files included (2)
Cleat hook cut.svg
5 kB
93 kB

3/4" Plywood 1.5 inch wood screws
Table Saw Drill
All Shaper French Cleat projects work with this wall-mounted cleat system. The cleats are made out of ¾” plywood that is 2¼” tall, with a 45 degree angle facing the wall. Start by cutting your plywood into 3.75 inch (100mm) strips on the table saw Rotate your blade to a 45 degree angle. Then cut your strips at around 1.5 inches (40mm) or wherever midway on your piece falls on your table saw. Drill pilot holes with a countersink every at same interval as wall studs for stability. Mount cleats to wall (angled side up) at 8" intervals. Cleat hook SVG can be quickly placed on any existing project using on-tool CAD to create a mating fixture to a french cleat system.