Hanging Lamp Bracket

By Ted-from-Shaper
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Fri Mar 29 2024

Small hardwood bracket to hang a lamp, shade, or decoration. This element includes a through-cut to hold hanging hardware and a small pocket to carry a rod, dowel, or pipe to affix the hardware into the bracket. The rod pocket hides under the bracket when it's installed. Mine were cut from mahogany, finished with Osmo. 3/4" depth, though you might want to cut them deeper with a deeper pocket for the rod to better accomodate the hanging hardware.

30 min



Files Included (1)

  • ceiling-hanging-lamp-bracket.svg

    27 kB


3/4" (or thicker) Hardwood (I think ply would work as well)

1/4" rod, dowel, or piping

Screws deep enough to reach the joist or anchor

Hanging hardware (optional)




8mm x 35mm Up Spiral Bit

1/4" x 3/4" Ball-Nose Up Spiral Bit


Ladder, probably


Not much to this one. I cut it on Workstation from 3/4" mahogany offcuts. Made sure they were nice and flat and cut both my brackets in about 30min or less. You could easily scale this to be larger or smaller, though note the position of the holes and the size of the dowel/rod insert pocket. Be sure that the pocket for the rod is deep enough, >1/4", and that it runs so the cross grain supports the weight.

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