When I was growing up it was common to see items, particularly handbags, with monograms similar the one on the Shaker sewing box I made for my wife many years ago. I used as a template for them an image file I found online. Using that same file I drew them in Illustrator. There are 3 letters for each letter of the alphabet. A typical monogram has the surname initial in the center, the first name initial on the left, middle initial on the right.
Object Outlines
Monogram in Circle.svg
Monogram no Circle.svg
brass, copper, aluminum, wood, veneer
O-flute cutters (metals)
downcut cutters (wood)
engravers (outline for hand cutting)
small flat and round files
fret saw or coping saw with wood or metal cutting blades.
In Studio Create a new design Import one of the alphabet files (Choose "exploded" mode on import) Each file contains all the letters in sets of 3 Choose from a guide circle or no circle surrounding the letters The letters in the files all fit in a 2 " circle Create a 2" circle, select the individual letters you need, arrange them in the circle as follows First name initial Last name initial Middle initial Delete all the 3-letter sets of letters Select the circle and 3 letters Scale uniformly to avoid distortion The letters on the box shown are 3" x 3", 1" larger than in the files In some cases there is very little space for cutters Check using Plan mode and varying cutter sizes until you see all the cut paths you need Note that you can break the letters apart for cutting so don't worry about cut paths BETWEEN letters. If you can't get a cut path inside some letter and need to cut some areas by hand use an engraving bit for cutting lines In the Plan view select everything, set the cut type to outside Set the cut type to inside as needed, inside the top of the "A" for example Set the depth of cut as appropriate In Design pull the letters apart and arrange for cutting Delete the circle if you still have it You may want to use a rectangle guideline to help in placement when importing into Origin Check your work in Review Cut out letters using appropriate cutters, speeds and feeds, and hold down strategies.
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