Jigs for Microjig Matchfit Hardware

By Joseph232
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Wed Aug 05 2020

Different jigs to cut out, to use with Matchfit Dovetail Clamp Hardware Kit cut time is estimated per SVG

20 min


Jigs & Fixtures

Files Included (10)

  • circle.svg

    939 B
  • corner holds.svg

    1 kB
  • hold down brackets.svg

    899 B
  • Large Square.svg

    2 kB
  • Medium Square.svg

    2 kB
  • small hold down bracket.svg

    953 B
  • Small Square.svg

    2 kB
  • Straight Bar 12.svg

    1 kB
  • Straight Bar 6.svg

    1 kB
  • triangle.svg

    2 kB


any wood

good 1/4, 1/2 or 3/4 baltic birch plywood is recommended but just about any wood should do.


Shaper Origin

1/8 and 1/4 inch cutter

Router with chamfer bit

Matchfit hardware by microjig

drill and 1/4 in bit


if you have the hardware kit by microjig, you can cut these jigs out to use. Can be easily cut with general woodworking tools or Shaper Origin SVG's can be cut out of any thickness of wood you would like to use for the jig. Jigs can be made from 1/4, 1/2, or 3/4 wood. whatever you prefer. all slots, holes, and outer diameters are cut thru. an 1/8 cutter for the thru holes, slots. slots and holes are made to 1/4 inch to fit the hardware bolts. circle jig is top outside diameter. after cutting with origin, a chamfer is needed from top to bottom. this chamfer allows the jig to hold work pieces both vertically and horizontally. you can use corner holds at four corners of your work piece to hold it in place. the cutout will work nicely for 90 degree corners and some odd shapes. hold down brackets. this is the side profile. after cutting out with origin, a hole will need to be drilled, 1/4" bit, at the thinner part of the material. this will work like any machining hold down clamp. squares are squares a couple of different size straight bars. these can be chamfered on the hold down side, to have horizontal and vertical capability triangle for 45 or 90 degree set ups. specifically dimensioned to work with micro jigs plans for their table saw sled. additional instructions on these jigs can be found on micro jigs website, google, or YouTube. these are just some SVG's to help you get started. i really love this setup that micro jig has created. there are so many possibilities with this. and very affordable

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