A kids rocker for babies to lie inside, to play with or to learn standing up.
Kid-friendly Builds
Kids Rocker.svg
Plywood, MDF or similiar for the side parts, approximately 47"x95"
9 pc. of the same material for the inner parts, 12mm x 12cm (~0,47"x4,72")
Shaper Origin
Edge router
Table saw
First use the SO to cut the shape of the side parts of the rocker. I just cut to a depth of 5mm, with a Ø6mm router bit to get the shape. I then used a jigsaw to cut the side parts roughly out of the sheet of wood. Afterwards I used a big router with a ball bearing guide. I also added a 6mm radius to the edges with an edge router. The inner parts of the rocker were cut on a table saw. I have also added a radius to the edges but a much smaller one (2mm). The parts are all put together with standard wood screws. I finished the parts by sanding and oiling them. Inspiration for this project came from Thellesen (https://www.instructables.com/id/Rocker-Toy-for-Kids/) and btking (https://www.instructables.com/id/Kids-Rainbow-Rocker/). Thank you!
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