Small side table Created by Steffen — Small side table with a 3 mm walnut-inlay and a carved ornament.
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Small side table

By Steffen|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Created February 8th, 2019

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Small side table with a 3 mm walnut-inlay and a carved ornament.

40 min



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62 kB

30 mm maple for tabletop and legs Walnut 3mm for inlay
Shaper Origin, Jigsaw, router, circular saw, sander
The drawing of the shape of the table (ellipse) and the inlay is done very fast - the ornament as well. I just used an existing jpeg and converted it into vectors. To cut the ellipse of the table (30 mm) I decided to use the SO just for cutting the shape with a depth of 6 mm. For the final cut I used a jig saw and a big router with a router bit with ball bearing guide. A litte tricky was the 3 mm walnut-inlay: the radius was too narrow to bend it into the groove. So, I had to steam it with hot water carefully...what worked very well.